Build awesome

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What we offer.
Prototype and Design

Scope mapping, screen flow creation, prototyping, architecture and design

Prototype and Design
Software Development

Web systems development in Laravel (PHP), DotNet/C# among others

Software Development
App Development for Android and iOS

Application Development in native code (Java, XML, Objective-C and Swift)

App Development for Android and iOS
Hire Developers

Allocation of managers and developers in your company's IT sector

Hire Developers
Cloud Hosting

Data migration, cloud storage and information security

Cloud Hosting
GAFIT Products

Run your own IT business through GAFIT products

GAFIT Products


From all over the world.
  • Council on Foreign Relations
  • Ambev
  • Tambasa Financeira
  • premium saude
  • Governo de Minas Gerais
  • Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Prefeitura de Nova Lima
  • Oro Digital
  • Gorila Shield Impact Absorption
  • Prefeitura de Contagem
  • Montreal Engenharia
  • Codificar
  • Yap
  • Profee
  • Keypass
  • ABIP
  • Brasil Brokers
  • Shopping Vale do Aço
  • Adlogados
  • Poker PRO

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